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WELCOME to our church, which serves the community of Coal Aston on the outskirts of Dronfield.
Since 1866 this building has been a focus of Christian worship and gospel preaching in the area.
Today, if you visit us, you will find lively, heartfelt and reverent worship, warm fellowship, and a wide range of weekday activities involving the church members, the Coal Aston community and people from wider afield. Do come along – we would love to meet you.
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This Week
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Verse of the Day
Psalm 97:10
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A prayer for peace in the Middle East
by The Very Revd Canon Richard Sewell, Dean of St. George’s College Jerusalem
O God of all justice and peace we cry out to you in the midst of the pain and trauma of violence and fear which prevails in the Holy Land.
Be with those who need you in these days of suffering: we pray for people of all faiths – Jews, Muslims and Christians and for all people of the land.
While we pray to you, O Lord, for an end to violence and the establishment of peace, we also call for you to bring justice and equity to the peoples.
Guide us into your kingdom where all people are treated with dignity and honour as your children for to all of us you are our Heavenly Father. In Jesus’ name we pray.
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